

英 ['mɑːdʒɪn(ə)l] 美['mɑrdʒɪnl]
  • adj. 边缘的;临界的;末端的


The reasoning behind this saying is that low oil prices discourage investment in new production capacity, eventually shifting the oil supply curve backward and bringing prices back up as existing oil fields—which can be tapped at relatively low marginal cost—are depleted.


Still, at the most selective schools, where thousands of candidates may submit identically high grades and test scores, a marginal item like the essay may serve as a tie-breaker between two equally qualified candidates.


The reasoning behind this saying is that low oil prices discourage investment in new production capacity, eventually shifting the oil supply curve backward and bringing prices back up as existing oil fields—which can be tapped at relatively low marginal c

2017年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

But humans enjoyed all of these advantages for a full 2 million years during which they remained weak and marginal creature.

2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 任务型阅读 原文